Monday, June 28, 2010

Making Vacation a Priority

Times are tough and money is tight. So I guess taking a vacation is out of the question ... or is it.

My husband and I have been more frugal these last couple of years as the economy has hurt us as it has just about everyone else. It is a rare occasion that we eat out, go to the movie theater, or attend a concert these days. Our discretionary income is pretty low compared to days past but the one thing we have chosen to make a priority in our lives is something we have had in common since we married 16 years ago and that is traveling.

We have found that taking time off away from home is simply necessary for us to regain some sanity in our lives. We have vacationed many places over the years and each has offered its own serenity for us. The locations you want to visit may be vastly different from mine but the effect should be the same. You will come back with a more positive outlook on life and isn't that alone worth the trip.

I know there are many others who also want to make travel a priority in their lives including single travelers, couples, friends and families. I have done all of these trips and will be sharing my knowledge of vacationing on a budget including tips and tricks I've learned over the years and hope you will find it useful when planning your next trip to wherever your heart takes you.

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